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In the current scenario, we find multitudes of women marching towards success in their personal and professional lives. Behind the confidence and strength of these women lies the feminine grace that fights all the odds that come their way… And we at JCL, where the population of women is on par or even slightly more than that of men, wish to take this opportunity and form a team of leaders who would represent the various problems battled by the students, staff and faculty members.

Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell is a growing community of women in JCL, who share a common purpose to learn, educate and collaborate on ideas that have the power to effect meaningful and positive change while fighting the odds they face!!

It is an expanding network that brings women in JCL together to learn, laugh, and celebrate their authentic self, their unique gifts and their personal power!!

Who Are We?

01/05/2011 was the dawn of the Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee here in JCL based on the instruction of the Association of Indian Universities.

Our different cells such as Student Affairs cell, Examination cell, Placement cell, etc are here to help the students and work relentlessly to guarantee that the tenure they spend within the campus is hassle-free.

Women’s Grievances Redressal Committee

S.No. Position Name
1 Chairman Dr.Reeta Sharma

Faculty Representatives

S.No. Members Affiliation
1 Ms.Farhat Jahan
2 Dr.Reeta Sharma

Reach Us

Narendra sharmaPhone: +919412790158 – 10 AM – 4 PM
